Saturday, November 8, 2014

Family: Houston

Father's Day

Houston, TX
June - 15 - 2014

Houston, TX - the land of unbearable humidity, relentless mosquitos, NASA grounds, Rice University...but most importantly, the Castro clan!

Although I'm not super aquatinted with the big city, I do enjoy sitting on the patio with my 91-year-old grandmother, where she probes me with questions about my personal life, never failing to ask me why I'm not married & have a job - oh how times have changed! I doubt her sassiness will ever simmer as she continues to climb that age ladder.

On this particular visit, my dad's siblings celebrated Father's Day all together, with a handful of cousins joining us. And while my Tejano family is not as large as that from boriqua-land, I love them just the same.

My dad, oftentimes confused with George Lopez (must be the giant head)

The lady who taught me how to walk

The Castro family

Fathers & daughters

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