Monday, March 30, 2015

Texas Style Council 2015

Texas Style Council 2015

Camp Texlake, TX
March 20 - 22, 2015

I had the opportunity to take photos at the Texas Style Council conference on behalf of tagspire, a social app that allows you to instantly share & monetize your lifestyle. A weekend spent in the Girl Scouts of Texas campsites with such creative, passionate & entrepreneurial females was truly inspirational. I could go on & on about how these amazing women use the internet & their sharp business skills to help their communities, state, country, & even OTHER countries - but I will leave you with three powerful questions I continue to reflect upon even two weeks out of camp:

Cyndie Spiegel, Entrepreneurial Coach
"Who are you - without your titles?"

Bethany Joy, TOMS:
"What are your core values, & how do they drive you? "
"What is your legacy?"

Wait, did I mention hearing Sophia Rivka Rossi, co-founder of HelloGiggles & final speaker at TxSC15, was the cherry on top of an absolutely wonderful sunday? She asked me to be her bestie. She is fantastic.

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