Saturday, May 16, 2015

Daniel & Caitlin - The Proposal

Daniel & Caitlin

Dogwood Canyon - Joe Pool Lake - Cedar Hill, TX
May - 16 - 2015

My favorite kind of adventure is when original plans unexpectedly fall through & spontaneous planning begins. This turned out to be the case when a group of friends & I planned to go to THIS Dogwood Canyon (actually in Missouri, minor fail), but ended up here. Daniel had planned to propose to Caitlin near the waterfall along the trail, but after 45 minutes of hiking, with no falls in sight, we realized we were at a different location.

A last minute decision to find a new backdrop for the proposal took us to Joe Pool Lake. The purpose of the outing, in Caitlin's eyes, was to celebrate Daniel's birthday - the group knew better! After taking a few group shots, & ending with a few shots of just Daniel & Caitlin, he popped the question...& she said YES!

Caitlin & Daniel - you both are wonderful friends, compassionate teachers & phenomenal ACL buddies. Thank you for letting me be part of this amazing moment. Wishing you a lifetime of happiness!


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